Getting Used to Toothpaste Tablets Can Take Some Time – Be Patient

We recommend EcoFam toothpaste tablets to anyone looking to transition to a more sustainable oral care regimen. Our toothpaste tablets are designed with sustainability and mind, eliminating harmful packaging and concentrating on natural ingredients that are good for both you and the environment.



Despite our best efforts to make the transition as easy as possible, we understand that switching from traditional toothpaste to toothpaste in tablet form can take some getting used to. It can take some time.


There may be an initial adjustment period, especially for kids. Why? Because the texture and experience feels completely different. Toothpaste tablets are essentially a whole new format. For someone who has been using traditional toothpaste for years, it can be a very different experience. Here is our best advice – be patient. Most of our customers get used to toothpaste tablets in about a week or so.


Use the Proper Technique


You will get used to toothpaste tablets more quickly if you use the proper technique. It involves two basic steps:


  1. Chew Thoroughly – Toothpaste tablets are activated by saliva. So be sure to chew the tablet thoroughly. It should form a paste in your mouth. Once the paste is there, you are ready to start brushing.


  1. Wet Your Toothbrush – While saliva activates a toothpaste tablet, you need water to generate that frothy foam you are used to. So wet your toothbrush prior to brushing. A little bit of water will help distribute the paste more evenly.


It might also help to run your toothbrush across your tongue to pick up some of the excess paste. Then you can move the paste to your teeth for a better cleaning. Do not swallow when you are done brushing. Instead, rinse with water and spit the paste out.


Different Flavors Might Help


Some consumers find toothpaste tablets easier to use if the flavor is just right. Our standard toothpaste tablets are peppermint. However, we have bubblegum flavored tablets for kids. Over the recent holidays, we also featured three limited edition flavors: winter cranberry, hot coco, and peppermint candy cane.


We cannot promise any particular flavors in the future but do visit our website frequently to see if we are offering anything new. Sometimes it is the flavor that does the trick. Finding a flavor that you like and getting used to toothpaste tablets is easier.


A Few Things to Remember


As we near the end of this post, there are few additional things to remember. First and foremost is the fact that toothpaste tablets feel powdery and dry when you first put them in your mouth. This is normal. If you start chewing right away, you minimize the time your mouth is exposed to that texture.


Next, you may find that you need to adjust your brushing technique slightly. Or maybe you won't. Consumers react to toothpaste tablets differently. If you do have to adjust, experiment with different ways of brushing your teeth. You will figure it out eventually.


Finally, the transition could be made easier if you remember your motivation for transitioning: you are adopting a more sustainable oral care regimen. Toothpaste tablets are contributing to your sustainability by way of less packaging, packaging that is recyclable and reusable, and natural ingredients that are better for you and the environment.


If you have any questions about our toothpaste tablets or their ingredients, do not hesitate to ask. Our goal is to help as many consumers as possible transition to sustainable oral care. We want you to be 100% comfortable with each of our products. We want you to be confident about using them.

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