Hydroxyapatite's Biocompatibility Makes It an Ideal Replacement

We have been hearing an awful lot about fluoride lately. Based on what we now know about fluoride and excessive exposure to it, there is a real possibility that we will start seeing a reluctance to include fluoride in drinking water and oral care products. Hydroxyapatite is a good replacement for fluoride. Its biocompatibility is just one of its pluses.



Although we do not manufacture hydroxyapatite toothpaste per se, our convenient and easy-to-use toothpaste tablets feature hydroxyapatite instead of fluoride. You get the same benefits of a hydroxyapatite toothpaste but in tablet form.


Fluoride: How We Got Here


The Cleveland Clinic describes fluoride as "a mineral that naturally occurs in many foods and water" and something that "helps reduce your risk of cavities when you use it at a safe level." Its ability to help fight tooth decay explains why we have been adding it to drinking water and oral care products for decades.


Recently, some have begun to question the benefits of artificially introduced fluoride. A growing body of evidence suggests that we may not be getting the benefits we always assumed were there. Even more concerning are the potential health problems that now appear to be linked to excess fluoride intake.


This has led scientists, government leaders, and dental health professionals to consider an alternative. Hydroxyapatite is one of the best-known alternatives to fluoride. It is a natural mineral, not a man-made substance.


The Biocompatibility Concept


Any attempt to replace fluoride must be viewed through the lens of safety and efficacy. If fluoride is bad for us in excess, it wouldn't make sense to replace it with something that's equally bad, or worse. Fortunately, this is not a concern with hydroxyapatite.


Hydroxyapatite is biocompatible. This is to say that it performs as it is expected to without being toxic or otherwise harmful to human beings. When used as a fluoride replacement, it offers all the same benefits without the potential hazards.


What makes hydroxyapatite biocompatible? The fact that it naturally occurs in the human body. In addition, hydroxyapatite has a similar chemical makeup to our teeth and bones. So it has other medical uses above and beyond dental health.


Adding It to Toothpaste and Toothpaste Tablets


We have chosen to put hydroxyapatite in our toothpaste tablets. Its benefits include:


        Remineralization and repair

        Preventing tooth decay

        Osseointegration capabilities

        Reducing teeth sensitivity

        Promoting enamel growth


We could have chosen to use fluoride rather than designing the tablet equivalent of a hydroxyapatite toothpaste. In all likelihood, the average consumer would not have considered that a negative. But the more we learn about fluoride, the more we believe our decision to utilize hydroxyapatite instead was a good one.


Safe and Effective Oral Care


EcoFam is meeting the needs of consumers looking for safe and effective oral care. We believe in using only natural ingredients in our products. We also believe in staying away from harsh chemicals, sulfates, and artificial preservatives. It is more important to us that we offer customers natural oral care products they can use without having to worry about potential side effects.


We hope you will take a good look at our hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets. They make a great substitute for traditional toothpaste. They are convenient, easy-to-use, very portable, and practical in every sense of the word.


Also take note of the fact that EcoFam believes in sustainable oral care. All our products are sold in recyclable and reusable packaging. And because our products are sold as tablets and concentrates, we require less packaging for distribution. So it's more than just bio compatibility here at EcoFam.

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