The Rise of Sustainable Oral Care: Consumers are Ditching Plastic

Sustainable oral care is our business here at EcoFam. It's a solid business thanks to a growing demand among American consumers to ditch the plastic in favor of more eco-friendly options. The push to get rid of plastic isn't limited to food packaging and straws. It isn't limited to grocery bags and foam coffee cups. People want more sustainable options in their oral care as well.


Cral Care


Our role as an oral care company is to give our customers what they want. And what they want is high quality oral care products made with natural ingredients and packaged using eco-friendly materials. We are more than happy to oblige.


Consumers Making a Real Effort


Ditching the plastic isn't just a marketing message used by political activists. Consumers are actually making a real effort to cut down on their own contributions to the plastic waste stream.


According to data compiled by PBS, an estimated 32% of U.S. adults have reduced their use of single-use plastics over the last five years. In addition, they have embraced reusable alternatives as well. Approximately 47% told PBS that they had maintained use of reusable items over the same period.


Consumers are increasingly unhappy about having so much plastic in their lives. Those who are taking an active stand to reduce plastic consumption are starting to look for every available option. That's where we come in.


We've Ditched the Plastic


EcoFam is a sustainable oral care company on a mission to reduce plastic waste within our industry. We are leading the charge by ditching the plastic ourselves. Consider the following:


        Toothpaste Tablets – Our toothpaste tablets are not shipped in plastic tubes or bottles.

        Mouthwash Tablets – Likewise, our mouthwash tablets are shipped in reusable and recyclable packaging.

        Compostable Toothbrushes – EcoFam compostable toothbrushes are not made with plastic. They are made with materials that break down and decompose.


We are just one company selling a small number of sustainable oral care products. We cannot significantly reduce plastic waste by ourselves. But in conjunction with other sustainability-minded companies and the customers who support us by purchasing our products, we can make a huge difference. You can be part of it.


It's a Money Thing


Research data clearly shows consumers have an earnest desire to reduce plastic packaging. That leads to an important question: if consumers don't want the plastic, why do manufacturers keep making it? It's a money thing.


Manufacturers know that consumers want access to cheap consumer goods. One of the ways they keep prices in check is by using plastic for packaging purposes. Plastic is incredibly cheap to manufacture.


As a small business ourselves, we don't begrudge other companies for wanting to maintain a healthy bottom line. But we also know that consumers who want to see single-use plastic reduced must be willing to invest in alternatives. We have to be willing to pay a little extra for sustainable packaging. If enough of us consumers do, manufacturers will be motivated to reduce plastic consumption.


Start in the Bathroom


If you are looking for a starting place to reduce the amount of plastic you add to the waste stream, consider sustainable oral care. You're going to continue brushing your teeth one way or the other, right? So consider EcoFam toothpaste tablets and compostable toothbrushes. Both will immediately reduce the amount of plastic waste you generate. Throw in EcoFam mouthwash tablets and you'll cut the plastic even further.


We recognize the fact that Americans are ditching the plastic. We want to be part of it, which is why we specialize in sustainable oral care.

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