The world has a plastic problem. Even as we have spent the last several decades trying to figure out better recycling solutions, the amount of plastic generated globally has continued to grow. Even something as seemingly innocuous as a plastic toothbrush only contributes to the problem.
Is there anything you can do to be part of the solution? Absolutely. You might not be able to change the world on your own. You might not be in a position to eliminate all sorts of plastic packaging. But you can do a bunch of little things that would add up if we all did likewise.
Let's go back to the plastic toothbrush. It has a profound impact on the waste stream. If all of us gave up our plastic toothbrushes in exchange for eco-friendly, compostable alternatives, imagine the amount of plastic we could keep out of landfills and incinerators.
Billions Thrown Away Annually
The number of plastic toothbrushes disposed of in landfills and incinerators is staggering. One of the more conservative estimates I have seen suggests that American consumers throw away 1 billion toothbrushes every year. That represents 50 million pounds of plastic waste being sent to landfills. It is waste we would be better off not generating.
The thing with plastic is that it takes an extremely long time to break down in a landfill – if it ever breaks down at all. Some plastics can take decades to decompose. Still, others can linger for 100 years or longer. Think about that as you try to imagine how many plastic toothbrushes lay buried in landfills even today.
The Answer Is Less Plastic
The answer to the world's plastic problem is pretty simple: less plastic. Using less of it means having less of it to throw into landfills and incinerators. Unfortunately, manufacturers aren't going to lead the way here. It's up to us to get the ball rolling by choosing more sustainable options whenever possible.
This brings us back to how you can make a difference. Choose sustainable options whenever you can. This includes compostable toothbrushes. A compostable toothbrush is made with natural materials that break down over time.
If you're not sure of the implications of being compostable, think about a compost heap in your back yard. You throw things like grass clippings, shrub trimmings, and organic food waste on the heap. Over many months, the heap's contents are reduced to compost. That compost becomes soil you can use in your garden beds.
A compostable toothbrush can be thrown on your back yard compost heap. But even if you should choose to toss it in the trash can, you can rest assured that it will break down in the landfill and become part of the soil.
Every Little Bit Helps
EcoFam is a company on a mission. We are not in this business just to sell high quality dental care products like toothpaste tablets, mouthwash tablets, and toothbrushes. We have also given ourselves the mission of helping to reduce plastic waste through our packaging and business practices.
One thing we have learned over the years is that many consumers feel powerless given the pervasive nature of plastic in the modern world. But there are hundreds of millions of us in this country alone. If we all concentrate on the little things, like trading plastic toothbrushes for compostable alternatives, those little things will add up to something big.
Sound intriguing? Then check out our compostable toothbrushes along with our toothpaste and mouthwash products. Join EcoFam as we promote good oral health in a more sustainable way.